.. _td2: *TD2* ===== **TD2 module performs temporal decorrelation of second order on the spatially whitened data** TD2 module removes dominant second order temporal correlations by computing a time-delayed covariance matrix and performing PCA. This code makes use of AMUSE algorithm which can be found using the link :: http://docs.markovmodel.org/lecture_tica.html An eigen value decomposition is performed over time delayed covariance matrix and the data is projected onto the dominant eigen vectors to obtain spatially whitened and temporally decorrelated data. **Problem**: TD2 fails to capture insights obtained from the inherent *anharmonicity* in atomic fluctuations and it's long tail behavior. **Parameters** :: Y - an mxT spatially whitened matrix (m dimensionality of subspace, T snapshots). May be a numpy array or a matrix where, m - dimensionality of the subspace we are interested in; Default value is None, in which case m=n T - number of snapshots of MD trajectory U - whitening matrix obtained after doing the PCA analysis on m components of real data lag - lag time in the form of an integer denoting the time steps verbose - print information on progress. Default is true. **Returns** :: V - An n x m matrix V (NumPy matrix type) is a separating matrix such that V = Btd2 x U (U is obtained from SD2 of data matrix and Btd2 is obtained from time-delayed covariance of matrix Y) Z - B2td2 * Y is spatially whitened and temporally decorrelated (2nd order) source extracted from the m x T spatially whitened matrix Y. Dstd2 - has eigen values sorted by increasing variance PCstd2 - holds the index for m most significant principal components by decreasing variance R = Dstd2[PCstd2] R - Eigen values of the time-delayed covariance matrix of Y Btd2 - Eigen vectors of the time-delayed covariance matrix of Y .. Note:: * Tic is the time delayed covariance matrix computed with time lag = lag. To ensure symmetricity of the covariance matrix a mathematical computation is made: *Tic = 0.5 * [Tic + Tic.T]* * Eigen value decomposition of this time delayed symmetrized covariance matrix is performed to obtain eigen vector matrix * Z is obtained by projecting the trajectory obtained from *Y* onto the dominant eigen vectors. *Z* is a matrix of spatially whitened and temporally uncorrelated components in the 2nd order