Resolving Spatial and Temporal correlations =========================================== Modules ------- .. image:: /images/flow.png :align: right :scale: 50% .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 SD2 *Input*: **Data Matrix** *Output*: **Second-order spatially decorrelated conformational coordinates** .. toctree:: SD4 *Input*: **Second-order spatially decorrelated conformational coordinates** *Output*: **Fourth-order spatially decorrelated conformational coordinates** .. toctree:: TD2 *Input*: **Second-order spatially decorrelated conformational coordinates** *Output*: **Second-order spatially and temporally decorrelated conformational coordinates** .. toctree:: TD4 *Input*: **Second-order spatially and temporally decorrelated conformational coordinates** *Output*: **Fourth-order spatially and temporally decorrelated conformational coordinates** .. vm: tw=75