.. _installation: Installation ============ **pyANCA Package** *using pip* :: pip install pyanca *using git* :: git clone https://github.com/ChakraLabPitt/pyanca Then go into the pyanca folder and run python setup.py install .. Note:: pyanca has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu, RHEL 7.0) and Mac OSX systems. The code is undergoing continuous development and certain components of the Python software is accelerated using C. *If you face any issues with the dependencies after installing pyanca try installing it separately using the following commands* **Dependencies** `numpy and scipy stack `_ :: pip install scipy `MDAnalysis `_ :: conda config --add channels MDAnalysis conda install mdanalysis `mdtraj `_ :: conda install -c omnia mdtraj `MSM Builder `_ :: conda install -c omnia msmbuilder `pyEMMA `_ :: conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install pyemma