PhD, Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Office: 747 MURD
Research Summary
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computational and Systems Biology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The main focus of my work has been to design and implement innovative research and training efforts for trainees at all levels. This includes a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program1 called Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio) that has been funded since 2010 and a tailored research and enrichment CompBio Academy summer program for high school students started in 2011 that is a part of the UPMC Hillman Academy2, for which I am also the Associate Director. My educational efforts also extend to graduate students in the Joint CMU–Pitt PhD program in Computational Biology (CPCB) and the Computational Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CoBB) MS program. I have pioneered innovative approaches and programs to teach laboratory-based3 and essential professional skills to these students to prepare them for success in their academic tenures and on the job market.
I also serve as the Faculty Fellow of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Mentoring. My calling to the world of mentoring and mentor/mentee training was sparked by the exemplary mentors who helped shape my career path in such a positive way. I have been recognized by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) as a Mentor of the Month and as an NRMN Master Mentor. I am also a Principal/Master Facilitator of both the Entering Mentoring Curriculum (mentor training) and Entering Research Curriculum (mentee training) from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). I lead workshops in these curricula for faculty and trainees throughout the university and beyond.